gayatri-sriram_-1Having lived in India many years back, I’m one of those crazies who only needs to get a whiff of a plate of garlic naan, or hear a chorus of some over-digitalised Bollywood chart topper to send me into a nostalgic dream state. You can imagine my excitement to hear that this month, the Hague will host its own India dance festival. Countless evenings in my student apartment in Gujarat were filled with Aishwarya Rai inspired dance moves; carried out very poorly by myself and my foreign student homies. For years after, I still kept the Bollywood beats on my iPod, and I’m sure today I could still do the Dhoom dance routine.

I’m going to embarrass myself during India Dance Fest, I know it, I’m not going to be able to stop myself do a little head jiggle. But it’s going to be fun and interesting, and hopefully the crowd will be more interested in those on stage than the try-hard foreign student in the front row.

I’m particularly interested in Yagyaseni on the 25th October – Yagyaseni is one of the traditional dance features of the festival. It tells the story of Draupadi, the daughter of a King, and her relationship with her five husbands. Performed by the acclaimed Gayatri Sriram in the classical style of Bharatanatyam. Expect poetic yet precise dance moves, traditional music and colorful costumes to aid Gayatri in telling the story.

Come along to the Korzo theater to catch the show for yourself. Or check out the extensive program and see what other performances will be showing over the next two weeks.

Korzo Theater, Prinsestraat 42, 18 October2013 | 2 November 2013

Guest post by Mia!

2 thoughts on “POETIC AND COLORFUL

  • October 25, 2013 at 1:37 pm

    Dear Mia,
    Nice to read that you look forward to the festival and Gayatri in particular. We did notice that the link you provide is to an earlier edition of the festival. The correct link to see the full program is: http://korzo.nl/en/indiadancefestival

    Hope to see you tonight.

  • October 25, 2013 at 2:17 pm

    Thanks for stopping by and thank you for the comment! Not a lot of harm done, I hope, as it only shows the importance of good traditions! Keep up the good work Korzo Theater! And thanks again!

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