“Junkyard” on Cinetoko in Korzo

The last movie of this year’s Cinetoko is Junkyard,Dutch animated short considered to be Hisko Hulsing’s masterpiece. According to NRC Next it’s “a lush and warm-blooded visual treat but also a narrative containing an opinion and intriguing moral layering”. The movie entered competition for “Best Animated Short Film” as Dutch representative for the Oscars 2013.

Support program features Elisa Mutsaers’  film  about a discovery of the catalog containing profiles of people who applied for casting, in 1945.

There will also be a screening of Julia Kaiser’s two 16mm  films, “partly stop-motion, partly live-action en with stunning cut & past backgrounds, handwritten titles combined with poetry pictures and dolls”.  Korzo theater’s doors open at 20h, movie starts at 21h. You’ll get in after paying 5 euro.