Eevryday rebellion

In an effort to support the art of nonviolence, Eastern Neighbours Film Festival is presenting the worldwide acclaimed documentary Everyday Rebellion – The art of change. The screening will take place on 5 November, one day before the festival’s official opening, in the De Haagse Hogeschool.

Everyday Rebellion is a cross-media documentary portraying non-violent resistance against regimes, ranging from underground cultural activities in Iran and silent demonstrations in Egypt, through the Resistance movement in Serbia, to the topless protests in Ukraine and Occupy Movement in the United States. The movie is part of a multimedia project presented in detail online, where you can follow inventive lessons of resistance from around the world

Join the movie screening and listen to the wise words of the movie director Arash T. Rialon during the lecture that follows.

De Haagse Hogeschool, Johanna Westerdijkplein 75, 5 November, 7pm. Admission is free, registration is necessary. Click, click