With all the events and festivals scheduled for Saturday, 5 September 2015, there is a big chance The Hague’s city center will be unbearably overcrowded. No need to stay home though, overcrowded can be overridden.

NIMBY-2015.jpegFollowing a cup of afternoon coffee at De Bieb, continue down the Noordwal, admire the scenery with swans on the canal and huge windows across the street on Veenkade and find your way to Darwinstraat. You should be there around 4pm to enjoy homemade pancakes and lemonade and get acquainted with the surroundings. Around 5pm, some knowledge of Dutch is required if you want to be fully emerged in the world of Sytze Schalk, storyteller, director, and writer that guides you from idyllic villages to grimy metropolis.

One hour later, five musicians from Yellow Grass warm up the atmosphere with their mellow sound of nostalgia for the old times, precious memories, forgotten loves… Perfect soundtrack for 6pm! Next on the stage is Gerson Main, a singer songwriter with striking appearance, poetic approach to story telling and danceable tunes.

For the real dancing experience, stay around until 9pm when Paul Istance and Magic Mumble Jumble take over the stage. Acoustic instruments, folksy sound, harmonic singing and rousing rhythms. Woohoo! Stay for the set of Beatnik DJ, or leave NotInMyBackyard festival to experience The Hague’s museum night!