I dare you… to avoid Halloween! Like it or not, pretending it’s not Halloween is simply not going to work so you better cut some corners and arm yourself with tricks and treats to enjoy the best this night can give.

Dark the Hague 01

After exploring all the suggestions and there are too many, way too many, I decided to spend this Halloween in the company of Miss Patsy Stonehenge, a real Diva guiding the masses through the ghosts and darkness on behalf of Dark the Hague. They have been around for quite some time, walking you through the Hague’s very own stories about murders, ghostly apparitions, executions, prostitutes, criminals and other mysteries.

The bloody walk will take an unexpected turn tonight so I dare you… to discover the scariest spots in the old city center and hear the moan of tortured spirits eternally searching for their peace. Be there and be afraid!

Book your spot on the broom here for 17,50 and head to The Prince Tavern, Noordeinde 165 at 7:30pm… or wait for those that lived to tell and give it another try on Saturday 1 November at 11pm.