Celebrate Beach Volleyball WC with Lindo Beach

Free Lindo Beach 4×4 beach volleyball tournament, World Championship matches, tropical beats, summer cocktails and much more on Plein, Friday 26 June 2015

Indoor beach facility Lindo Beach moves to sand court on Plein for a 4×4 beach volleyball tournament, Friday 26 June 2015, from 6pm until 10pm. Free games celebrating the opening of the Beach Volleyball World Championship are suitable for all ages and all levels.

Registered teams are invited to wear their best blue, red, white or orange outfits.

Beachvolleyball after party starts with the rockabilly sounds from the Liptease & The Backstreet Crackbangers and continues ’til the wee hours.

A backstage to the Beach Volleyball World Championship, Plein transforms into the city beach, with a bar serving summer cocktails, beach lounges, sound system bringing tropical beats, and the big screen for those interested in the main games at De Hofvijver. The first game with Dutch volleyball players Christiaan Varenhorst and Reinder Nummerdor starts already at 8:30pm.

Plein, Friday 26 June 2015, from 6pm til you can’t play beach volleyball anymore! Don’t forget to register!