Beach Balls

Tournaments are possibly the most entertaining thing to do to feed competitive nature. This summer, the Hague Beach Stadium will host quite some number of sports events but in order to warm up the crowds Free Architecture Surf Terrain (F.A.S.T) – conveniently located just across the Stadium – will organize a tournament of its own. Masses will gather to play… table football or foosball!

foosballThe event “Balls on the Beach” is organized in cooperation with AIGHT. Participants are to follow simple rules: the game is played 2 against 2 with no biting, no spitting and no scratching. However, there will be some chewing involved as there is barbecue prepared (opt for sate, hamburgers, pasta salad and bread with spiced butter).

Haags Hip Hop Centrum is responsible for music, winners  are responsible for getting the prizes!

Subscribe now and don’t miss your chance to play Balls on the Beach!

Beach Balls

F.A.S.T, Adriaan Maasplein 2, Scheveningen, Thursday, 6 June, 12.5e for both BBQ and the tournament, 5e for the balls only

BBQ -> 6pm to 8pm

Tournament -> 8pm to midnight
