Tango Masqué

From the corners of the shabby streets of Buenos Aires in 19th century, from the soul of immigrants and imagination of thugs and gangsters, tango walked out through the doors of brothels and become an accessory of middle and upper class. Playful yet nostalgic sounds of the violins, double bass and bandoneón and syncopic rhythms that are rooted in African beats all together create rich musical palette that only a few could resist.


While slow beats are chasing faster ones this evening and sharp sounds are calmed by the smooth melodies, dancers of Tango Centro will engage in a constant, rebellious flirtation, exchange of passion, beauty and femininity.  The theme of this month’s Neotangosalon is Carnivale. Hide behind a mask and take out the shiny outfit to get voucher for drinks. The best dressed tango lovers are in for a special treat.

Tango Centro Lange Poten 27, 21h until 2h after midnight. Can that be true?

*The entrance is 5e

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