Open Mic Week

Hm, it’s not really Open Mic Week, we are talking more about Open Mic Two Days but you get the picture. So, as every Wednesday, this time there will be no exception – Open Mic Night is ON in Cafe De Bieb.

Danella 2The evening is hosted by talented Namibian Singer-Songwriter Danella Smith ready to fill the room with her persuading voice! Prepare for her music and join tomorrow at De Bieb or…

…Or come tonight to Locaal Vredebreuk! I’ve never been there but judging by the guest list, it will be equally entertaining as the weekly event in De Bieb. A change is always good and needed after all, otherwise we would be stuck.

So move and bring your guitar, keyboards, voice, smile and give yourself a blast while performing your own songs or covers every third Tuesday of the month in Locaal Vredebreuk! The night starts at 9pm. Everyone is welcome, including the shyest!

finalAnd shshshshsh, some of the musicians performing tonight and tomorrow evening (including Danella Smith) will participate in The Hague’s Singer-Songwriter Festival taking place from 27 ’til 30 June. The Secret Singer-Songwriter Society  is responsible for the organization of an event that is gathering at the several venues in The Hague 140 singer-songwriters coming from 25 countries. Be fast as your discount 4-day or single-day wristbands might be out of stock just when you need them the most. In this case, future can be foreseen.

Muziekcafe Lokaal Vredebreuk, Papestraat 38, Tuesday 21 May 2013, 9pm

Café de BieB, Veenkade 7, Wednesday 22 May 8:30pm

*Check beautiful posters and festival info!