First thing’s first so first let me tell you what is happening second Saturday from now. I got you confused, didn’t I? In my defense, I really had to do it as Indigo –  the best of the top beach clubs around – hosts the ultimate Mad Hatter’s Tea Party. And with Mad Hatter and in Wonderland everything is possible, a bit confusing and pleasantly weird so unanswerable riddles and nonsensical poetry had to be on the plate or – pardonnez-moi, on the tea tray!

Mad Hatter 1What you have to do is this: Fall asleep, dream of a rabbit running in front of you, follow it, go down the hole, fly, float, land, meet Cheshire Cat and join Alice and Hatter at the tea party at Indigo during the night of nu disco, laughs and refine entertainment. Simple!

Last time, the music came from the shameless geniuses of SHMLSS. This time you will be amused and amazed by ♠ Rubix, ♣ KERK! and ♦ Sunny Sjoerd. Since spades, clubs and diamonds are taken, pick your heart suit, and finish the night as a true King or Queen. Or be a Mad Hatter himself!

You’ll need an Ace of Spades to enter that can be purchased here. And stayed tuned until next Tuesday as Magpie and Indigo have a special cookie for you. To get a cookie you might want to search the maps and find out where is Indigo located. The right answer is to be found here 😉

Indigo, Saturday 18 May 2013, 10pm until the Queen finds the solution for your aching feet!
