Indian Dance Festival – Final Round

Round two of the India Dance fest for me, as I will head off tonight to Korzo theatre in the Hague to see Kapila Venu perform Kuttiyattam. I am only finding positive reviews of Venu, so my hopes are high.

01Traditionally, Kuttiyattam uses only men as principle dancers – we are talking about a dance that traces back 2,000 years.Bucking the trend, Venu is one of, if not the only woman to take centre stage and bring a little feminine flair to this quite unusual style of dance.

The dance originates in the South of India, in Kerala, and is as much about acting as it is dancing. I’m intrigued by the UNESCO recognition of this dance as a historical tradition as well as the bazaar and almost scary stage makeup used by the performers. This is the last performance of the Indian Dance Fest for 2013, so why not make it a unique one.

Stay tuned for the reviews!

Korzo, Saturday 2 November, 8:30pm, 18e!

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*Guest post by Mia