Get HAMMONDized !

I’m debating between the two opening sentences. The first one would be excited yell: THIS is something you can not miss! Like C.A.N.N.O.T!  The other one would be equally excited shout: This is a MUST, a MUST SEE concert!

You see the catch? Since in both cases I opt for overwhelming approach, one might think this concert needs too much advertisement and is probably not worth the time. But, the problem is that’s not the case. And that’s the exact reason why I go for a laid back announcement. And a very, very, very intense sound of Sven Hammond Soul!

Ha! Got you! Since now we both know that this is the one not to be missed, I’ll tell you they will be playing in April in Zwarte Ruiter to celebrate the 25 years of the bar’s existence. And you know what’s even better? No need to get a ticket!

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Since 2006, Sven Hammond Soul recorded three albums, the last one being The Apple Field. What they promise is a roller-coaster ride from New York’s nightclub’s glitters and feathers through street parade in New Orleans, while meeting cyberpunks in a remote warehouse and getting splashed by funky sounds in the middle of hot desert.

20 maart 2011, Sven Hammond en bandleden. Foto Ruud van ZwetAnd to use simple words – get ready for some funk, soul, sixties, even Prodigy cover and get it spiced up with one and only Hammond organ that will embrace you like a warm sweater on a cold day or get you out of your pants as a raising monster in Smack My Bitch Up.

Do I need to say more? Nope, put the volume up and see you soon!

Zwarte Ruiter,  Grote Markt, 19 April 2013, 11pm

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