They are BACK!

The opening of the High Five Jazz Café one month ago was superb – live music and the taste of Greek beaches circulated the room, and some jazz standards were melting the coldest hearts. These were a bit too standard for my taste but – hey, people enjoyed!

This time Di Verso and BINK VIJF HOOG  are back with new menus and new performances. Liselotte is cooking Salisbury steak (vegetarian steak is also a possibility), potatoes and vegetables, Di Verso is preparing Jazz Cocktail and together they are serving semolina pudding with almonds and red fruit. I know it sounds like a lot of food and it is a lot of food but good news is that American physician Dr Salisbury invented the steak as the main meal in his low-carbohydrate diet. Basically you eat and loose weight so… No worries there!

nadia 2Cracking jazzy voice of Nadia will take you to Gershwin’s south, Richie will follow with necessary riffs and Matheus Nicolaiewski will give the rhythm with his bass.

The High Five Jazz Cafe is going to become a tradition repeating every first Thursday of the month to warm us up for the Jazz on 5 festival due to happen in October. Artists come mostly from the Royal Conservatoire in the Hague, waiting for their chance to paint the jazz image of the city.

Since the Hague lost its reputation as THE Jazz place when the famous North Sea Jazz festival moved to Rotterdam,  the city tried several time to put The Hague back on the jazz map. The High Five Jazz Café is a part of this “New Jazz Wave”. The musicians will be performing ‘free a charge’ but the audience can always drop a coin or two in the hat!

This amazing and exceptional location (with the best view of the Hague, I promise) opens the doors at 6pm and the food is served from 6:30pm. The only thing expected from you is to send an email to Di Verso to tell them you are coming.  Aaaaand… See you at Bink Vijf Hoog, Binckhorstlaan 36!