Street Life


While i am writing these lines something super interesting is happening in your neighborhood. Even though I don’t have a GPS secretly attached to your house that is giving me the information where you live I can still call Reinkenstraat your neighborhood as it is so welcoming that you can consider it your own. And on top of it, whether you live in EscampLaan or Wassenaar, chances are it will not take you more than half an hour to come to Reinkenstraat.

This Saturday you would do it for only one reason: there is a street market going on! The first one I visited in this country was organized for Queen’s Day. This one shouldn’t be any different, antique furniture, old books, some art here and there, ceramics and crystal dishes, handmade everything… For your kids or kid in you and all the animal lovers around, there is a large space with pets in the street, puppet theater and live band entertaining the crowd with pop classics. That’s what I call a Street Party!


Reinkenstraat, Saturday 21 September noon until 6pm and then I see you at F.A.S.T!