Sound Food

You probably already noticed how much I like to write about dinner events, especially the ones that combine good food with interesting music? Well, this week is generously giving me a chance to do it twice.

The first event I’m inviting you to is organized by Stichting Centrum, an art collective based in Villa K. I already talked about Butoh dance evening that took place at the same location. This time, different senses will be entertained.

Pietro PrevitiThe cooks play with red and green ingredients to bring together courgette and pear in a delicious soup while tomato, paprika and mushrooms cover the pasta. For dessert, the menu suggests mouche a la mama.

After dinner time is reserved for Mimmo Napolitano aka SEC_, electronic musician and sound designer from Naples and his Revox Tape Recorder analog feedback performance.

SEC_nantesHow does it work?

SEC_ plays tapes, laptop, synthesizers and other electronic devices that are connected together creating analog feedback. Every modification in one device creates a flow that is influencing the whole audio chain, thus creating dynamic system. The artist is manipulating the sound sources in real time through tape recorder Revox.

How does it sound?

SEC_’s sound research is “on the edge of musique concrète, digital processing and power electronics, characterized by sudden cuts, imperfect repetitions, fast passages and deep drones… In his music there’s often an obscure narrative factor obtained through the straining of sound materials, especially in a rhythmical way”. The imperfect repetitions and the spastic rhythms create chaotic structure in which uncontrolled and unexpected rule.

Stichting Centrum is an art collective based at Villa K, the former embassy of the Democratic Republic of the Congo in Scheveningen, Den Haag. Since October 2010 the embassy building is used as living space, ateliers, music studio’s, exhibition space.

Villa K, dinner start at 7pm though it’s good to reserve. Concert starts at 8:30pm until the uncontrolled and unexpected takes over the place.

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