Orkin.AmericanGirl_kpfThere is this intriguing scene happening on the streets of Florence, Italy: It is 1951. A bunch of smartly dressed Italians are looking in the direction of a beautiful woman, walking down a street. She looks divine, clutching her shawl, giving the impression of a quick walk. The scene was captured by the documentary photographer Ruth Orkin and the girl on the picture was Ninalee Craig. Ninalee was American Girl in Italy.

Orkin made a set of pictures of Ninalee admiring statues, asking people for directions, bargaining at the markets, flirting in cafes. She captured a day that every foreigner experienced in Italy. Nothing was missing apart from… Aperitivo!

And as much as Italy sounds tempting, to experience Aperitivo, you don’t really have to travel that far. What you need to do is wait for Sunday – every Sunday – and visit bistro De Twee Heeren or Two Lords, maybe even the very ones that have been teleported from the Ruth Orkin’s photo to the real world!


From 4pm until 6pm and for € 3.50 euros that you pay for the first (alcoholic) drink – enjoy bruschettas, small dishes, french & spanish tapas! Just like in Italy! And stay for dinner! As the food is super tasty!

Mood will be set with the help of soul, funk, jazz and Motown sounds. And if there is something missing in the rich records collection of Twee Heeren, just bring that vinyl with you. You might get lucky!

De Twee Heeren, Oude Molstraat 6, Sunday, 22 September, 4pm