VENUE that makes a difference

R14-Site-half-header-simpelApart from just a few exceptions, a venue can really lure me into visiting a festival. I admit events do count – be it music, film, theater, street art… but some locations are simply too special to be missed, no matter the act they are hosting.

People behind REWIRE festival got it right straight from the start back in 2011, placing the concerts, screenings, workshops, talks, behind the doors of the spaces rarely used. The venues the events occupy are as adventurous as the program presented.

01 kerk2_dark jpgThis is the forth time REWIRE is hosting dozens of artists known for their unique approach to contemporary electronic music. Every style, from neo-classical through new jazz and experimental pop to sound art will use the given spaces to their maximum.

The list of extraordinary venues is enriched this year with one church, no less than the Grote Kerk itself, one hidden chapel – Barthkapel and one old power plant – Electriciteitsfabriek that is more and more grabbing the attention of the artists.

02 electriciteitsfabriekOther theater and pop venues are already known to the audience but that doesn’t take their charm away. Enjoy delicate sounds in Prins 27, nightclubbing in Paard Van Troje or artists talks and workshops at Zaal 3 and Studio Loos.

I know where to spend 7 and 8 November this year. Do you? REWIRE festival, various locations. Weekend ticket € 39,50 (SOLD OUT), late weekend ticket € 43,50, day ticket € 26,50.