This is YOUR route

One more time artists, galleries and art institutions put their forces together  to build a new cultural route for all of us eager to spend the evening lost in unusual locations, dreamy performances, captivating pictures or mesmerizing installations. Hooghtij  is happening four times a year and it comes with a guarantee your time will be well spent.

HoogtijIf you’ve been there once, you already know that the event starts at 6pm in Gemak where soup will be served. This time, there is no need to reserve, just go there and indulge in taste.  The tour that starts at 7pm will take you to 13 locations around the city: Gemak, Filmhuis, 1646, West, Liefhertje en De Grote Witte Reus,  B139, Maurits van de Laar, Nutshuis, Nouvelles Images, Arte Sin Limites and Livingstone Gallery.

My highlight of the tour is the Hague’s hippest street Boekhorststraat where some of the locations like Osman Grillroom or Mercedes sex shop will change their usual purpose. I’ll be checking 26 one minute long movies in Filmhuis gathered around the theme Modern Times 3: Modern Housekeeping as well as Instrument Inventors Initiative at Nutshuis.

What you can do is follow this map!