The Hague’s ART Routes

Hoogtij comes to my mind either too early or too late. In this case, I’m too late as the event starts in just few/two hours. Dropping a quick eye on the program I can tell you the following: As usual, it looks superb and the fact that 20 spots of contemporary art participate in the project shows that the demand for new, visual, aesthetic is growing by the day.


There are three art routes you can follow with your (Dutch) guides. Jeroen Bosch, the artist and co-founder of the art magazine picks seven highlights of the evening, starting from Gemak, through Galerie Maurits van de Laar, JCA de Kok, 1646, B139, West, ending the tour in Liefhertje en De Grote Witte Reus.

Renate Boere, graphic designer in the cultural sector and co-founder of Design Research Station, picks Livingstone Gallery as the starting point then continues with Arte Sin Limites, Quartair, In Your Living Room, Galerie Helder and ends the tour at Vonkel. While observing the works, you will be learning more about the identities of the participants.

Third route starts in Filmhuis which is the choice of Jaring Dürst Britt, director of Nieuwe Vide. The tour is focusing on the history of the sites visited. Apart from Filmhuis, the spots to be visited are REFUNC, Project Space Parterretrap, Grafische Werkplaats, Nutshuis, Nouvelles Images and Nest.

Don’t forget your bike and try to subscribe. Even though the routes start at different spots, the meeting point is at GEMAK, Paviljoensgracht 20-24, at 6pm if you feel like sharing the soup with the others or at 7pm if you have time only for food for thought.


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