Something’s Cookin’

Too many cooks spoil the broth but two can’t be too many. This Saturday, Rosa Hagen and Lotte Holtappels sometimes known as Haagse Hapjes or the Hague Bites are cooking for you in a somewhat different setting. Soup, stew and wonderful spreads will be served in no less than a gallery Liefhertje en De Grote Witte Reus.


Rosa and Lotte share passion for food and opt to cater for nothing but cultural events. As they proudly say, their company is small but their ideas are big and while the cutbacks in cultural sector spring from all the sides, their bites are still delivered as a full portion. Be there at 17:30h and your 7,5 e will be put in a good use for the next 2,5 hours. Half past seven, Liefhertje en De Grote Witte Reus will open the door to the night of revelations, opinion exchanges, absolute doubts and relative truths.

screen_realityVisual artists PierreDerks and Thomas Kuijpers will take you on a tour through their oeuvres exhibited in the gallery. Derks is the author of the project Screening reality which is his “analog” reaction to the “screen-filled” information society. “The interactive installation in the project presents the live streams of unsecured IP cameras, merged with television-style elements like a news ticker. Carefully determined live twitter search results function as the subtitle of the streams”.

thomasKuijpers explores the way truth is constructed while searching for the moments where something that isn’t considered to be true, can change and become truth – or the other way around. He is using different materials such are, sound fragments, video footage, official documents and newspaper clippings to find the path of truth.

Van der bergPhotographer Jan-Dirk van der Burg will say few words about his latest publication Censorship Daily that was inspired by the careful work of Iranian civil servants who were daily seeking for images not suitable for the eyes of inhabitants of the Islamic Republic. Parts of these images like the skin on a bare leg would then be covered with blue stickers. A year ago, stickers disappeared!

After that, 80 years old ufologist Jo van Buuren  will describe her experience from 30 years ago when she was, apparently, abducted by a UFO. Superb!

Liefhertje en De Grote Witte Reus, Saturday, 16 February, 17:30h