People connect different dates to different things and I for my whole life, have been connecting 1 March with Napoleon‘s birth. And then Google told me – You are wrong (at this point, try to imagine Google pointing its “I know it all” finger at me).

FAST WINTERSince then and it didn’t happen long ago, I have been searching for the new event for the old date. While thanking the Fairies of Da(y)tes I can finally say – the goal has been accomplished. From now on, 1 March will be known as the day when F.A.S.T called upon the spring during its End of Winter Festival.

Even though calendar says something else, the weather and the bouquet of helianthemum apenninum, coltsfoot and early star-of-Bethlehem sing another song, most likely the tune to be heard at F.A.S.T this Saturday 1 March 2014.

The list of bands to lead the spring melody is long and already known to the visitors of F.A.S.T End of Summer party few months ago. Choose between indie folk sound of Friends of the Family, electro rock from Mannen met Snorren or reggae, pop, ska, hip-hop surf sounds from F.A.S.T residents Pinata, rock to the pop and pop to the rock as far as it could go of The Heyz or the work of F (what the F.A.S.T is F?!).

The main and the longest act features soulful Splendid, and after midnight DJ Set will be in the hands of Klup Tropicana. The host of the evening is Sunny Sjoerd.

End of Winter Festival is the event that might be opening the last season in F.A.S.T that is due to be displaced from its current location. Hurry up and don’t miss all those rays of early spring afternoon sun and seducing smells of mulled wine.

Get your tickets here for €12,50 or pay €2,5 more at the door.

F.A.S.T,  Adriaan Maasplein 2/Strandweg 1A, Saturday 1 March 2014, 5:30pm, until the seagulls start calling your name.