Dream a little dream

Karine VersluisWhoever you are, whatever you do, you always had dreams. Right? Some became reality, some stayed in the realm of hopes. What happened with dreams of young women who came from eastern Nigeria to Lagos in search of new life? What happened with dreams of Nigerian women searching for new chances in the Netherlands? These are the question Karine Versluis tries to answer with the series of photographs and audio materials exhibited in Humanity House as part of her exhibition One day I’m gonna make it.

Hmanity houseApart from photos, this exhibition features audio fragments in which women talk about choices that influenced their current lives, choices that maybe brought better future but forced them to leave their homes. Following the footsteps of these women, visitors are prompted to question the boundaries between dreams of the future and reality and the consequences of choices that were made.

Karine Versluis is a freelance documentary photographer focused on the influence of various cultures and historical events on people’s everyday lives. So far she published two books STAPHORST (2007) and Enkeltje Schiphol (2010).

Humanity House, Prinsegracht 8, opening 14 March 2013 at 20h. Works will be available for viewing until 28 July 2013

*Photos Karine Versluis & Humanity House