De (New) Regentes is (Kind of) Back!

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Weimarstraat is getting its swimming pool.. oops… THEATER back! With the spectacular, super rich program, De Nieuwe Regentes opens its doors Wednesday 29 May at 7pm after it has been closed for half a year, due to lack of resources. The whole building will dance, play, sing, smile, move, boogie, tango, blues, jam and strawberries! Professional artists meet amateurs while talent triumphs!

Foto 2Two former employees teamed up with new forces and gave the theater a new chance to shine. You can expect a lot of cooperation in the coming months, some of them with the Huis voor de Nieuwe Muziek/Platform for New Music that is comprising Johan Wagenaar Foundation, The Royal Conservatory, Korzo, Paard van Troje, Residentie Orkest, Theater aan het Spui and Het Nutshuis. Also, you will be able to rent the space for parties or other events and contribute to the income of the employees.

And now what’s happening tonight. There is an installation in Het Diepe and various artists will perform in de Grote Zaal, Ketelhuis and de Kleine Zaal. The spotlight in the Grote Zaal is on local artists from the neighborhood: Matangi Quartet, Jérôme Meyer & Isabelle Chaffaud, Johan Frauenfelder, The Regâhs and Karin Ey, Baidar & Hamid Al Basri and Tram tram tram (Carlos Ema, Iván Pérez and Greg Smith).

Persfoto-Zomeravonden-Ardito-Fotografie-410x500The space in Ketelhuis is reserved for the presentation of the New Festival. You can hear Sarah Nichols on harp, check the play Zomeravonden performed by Theater group Drang or enjoy the act of magic and illusions by Dan LeFay. Orquesta Tipica Del Mosa will close the evening with tango musical performance.

Kleine Zaal hosts short acts, cabaret, modern and oriental dance, performances of singer-songwriters, pieces of chamber music, vocal talents and much, much, much more. Finally, in the lobby, you can listen to The Straight Up Hogs’ blues!

De Nieuwe Regentes, Weimarstraat 63, Wednesday 29 May. The program starts at 8pm, doors open at 7pm, and you “pay what you want” to get in. You better pay, the whole theater depends on you! Oh and don’t forget to RESERVE your spot!

*Photos, photos and photos