It’s been more than 63 minutes that I keep thinking how to introduce Hidden Art. This ambiguity of the mind partly comes from the fact that the event itself is unbreakably linked to the very person that came up with it – The Hague Dandy. Hour long dilemma was definitely resolved in your favor as today you’d get the chance to read about Hidden Art and one of the following days about Mr. Dandy himself.

HIDDEN ARTEven though the title of this event suggests there is some mystery involved, most of the things surrounding Hidden Art Bike Tour are already known. However, the lack of a true mystery doesn’t make this event less mysterious still… it is your call to discover that part of the story. I am sharing only the following: In the wake of 36th Hoogtij, on 7 March 2014 bunch of enthusiastic leisure city bike owners (including you, why not?) will gather inside the premises of Vrije Academie Gemak, optionally share a plate or two of warm soup and hop on their vehicles in exploration of hidden art galleries and cultural hotspots of the Hague. If you are curious enough (and I know you are), come and join.

The road will take you through the streets of Stationbuurt and downtown alleys to explore art installations and unusual art projects. Perfect for The Hague’s newcomers!


The tour is free but small contribution is always welcome. If it doesn’t bother you too much, please confirm your attendance here.

Vrije Academie Gemak, Paviljoensgracht 20-24, 7 March 2014, 7pm. Bring a bike and two smiles. One for you, one for everyone else.


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