A TABLE – The Story of Now and Never

Winter ParadeWinter parade, cold months’ edition of the sweetheart of Dutch theater festivals appropriately named De Parade, is going to sleep after tonight’s closing event in Atrium.  However, “now or never” in this case is a sugar snap peas of a lie. It’s more like “today or in June, July or August” when this traveling festival is coming again in Amsterdam, Utrecht, Rotterdam and The Hague. Until then, the dolls, shoes, costumes, performance and everything else is going for a 4 months long winter sleep.

If you’ve never heard of it – which I doubt but it could be that you are a happy newbie in this country – De Parade is traveling theater festival that is roaming the parks of The Netherlands for 23 years now. And there is something for everyone – edgy daring theater, unheard of music, wild dance performances and a lot of food and cocktails. The last part forms unbreakable chain with every cultural activity in this country. Wherever you go, the smell of barbecue will follow.

Tafel van de Idee 2

Once you visit De Parade, your true artistic self will never be the same and you will cry for more. So, the organizers decided to give your cultural lust a teaser in the form of Winter Parade and The Table of the idea. A pageant of actors, dancers, musicians and poets will entertain the guests while a yummy dinner is served at a 120-metre long table. It sounds a bit decadent, doesn’t it, especially if you take into account that cooks, waitress and the guests are allowed to climb the Table of the Idea. A table!, French would say!

Tafel van de IDee three main

You will be entertained by drummer Dirk-Peter Kölsch, dance performers/actors Zariah and Tarikh Janssen, actors Steyn de Leeuwe and Stephanie Louwrier with theatrical performances, composer Harry de Wit that will give a glass concert and people behind media project PIPS:lab that are welcoming you into interactive art show. If you get tired of it all, there is a silent disco corner.

Glass concert

Let’s talk names now. The idea came from Terts Brinkhoff, Parade Founder that first put it in place for the New ISland Festival In New York. Cooks are guided by André Amaro, culinary artist, and the long banquet table is designed by Piet Hein Eek.

The organizers came with the warning that most of the performances are in Dutch. But who needs the knowledge of language during glass concert or in a silent disco?! Yep, see you there.

tafel van de idee main 2

The event is taking place Saturday, 22 February between 7pm and 10pm. Tickets are € 35.00 per person excluding drinks and can be acquired on the website of the WinterParade. I think it’s worth it!
