In Dreams Emotions Are Overwhelming**

01Let’s do the quiz: What is connecting Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Be Kind Rewind, Science of Sleep and Björk? One name – Michel Gondry! And okay, maybe there is a bit of weirdness surrounding both the movies and the singer but then again it’s the matter of taste that we shouldn’t discuss.

Since my taste buds react very positively to the work of Michel Gondry, I’ll take this opportunity to invite you on a surreal trip through the lucid mind of an introverted and madly creative man who tries to balance his incredible dreams and harsh reality by applying Science of Sleep/La science des rêves.

All that and this movie is so much more – just take a look at the photos! Or even better, take a look at the movie!


Alliance Francaise de La Haye, Kettingstraat 2, Friday 12 April, 7pm until 9:42pm

*Photos: I, II, III, IV

** And not just in dreams!