Traveling Within

So many events are on The Hague’s agenda that you might as well start exercising to increase your stamina obviously needed to attend at least the most interesting ones. Not to mention that the number of the special, must see, events is already climbing with the speed of light.

West African pick: Sousou & Maher Cissoko. 

Maher++Sousou+Cissoko+1018548_3A duo – and I will stop stating the obvious – that is using kora as its main instrument to bring to the audience rich sounds accompanied by rhythmic energy and beautiful harmonies in no less than four languages. Their music echoes traditional kora colored with blue notes of Mali’s Blues.

Maher Cissoko was born in Senegal and playing kora was part of his family’s tradition. While traveling through Senegal, Sousou, originally from Sweden, was invited by Cissoko’s family to learn playing traditional kora music. The two of them are now touring the world, presenting their second album Stockholm-Dakar that tells the tale of travels, not between two places but within ourselves.

They will be performing in Korzo as part of World Sessions.

Korzo,  Prinsestraat 42, 11 April 2013, 8:30pm until the African beats sneak under your skin!

*Photo: Fredrik Gille