Bongo Moon Experiment

13 03 11 Murphys LawMoon Bongo Bongo Tribe (MBBT) takes what seems to be unknown path to experiment with something they call improvised composition and composed improvisation. I suppose that if you read it fast enough, as many times as possible, you could probably get one fine tongue twister that would be a nice added value to the improvisation, composition, composed and improvised.

MBBT are Jordi Cassagne  on bass, Attilla Gyárfás on drums, RodrigoParejo on flute and Catalin Milea on saxophone. They’ll take you for a stroll through the Moon’s cheese labyrinth desert. Who wouldn’t want to go there?!

Murphy’s law, Dr. Kuyperstraat 7, Monday 11 March, 21h until you meet Méliès himself!

*photo by Stephan C. Kaffa