Breaking up with your chair

I know, I know, it’s hard to break up the relationship that lasts for years but that day has come (again). Just look at your chair, think of all the back pain you had and make that step towards the Monday Movement Classes in Korzo theater. This concept is tailored for everyone interested in movement and it suits both amateurs and professional dancers.

Samir CalixtoThis week, the class is hosted by Samir Calixto, Brazilian actor, dancer and choreographer, author of Die Winterreise, tetralogy devoted to Schubert’s masterpiece. Through four pieces of Die Winterreise (Névé, Firn, Glacier and Zero Kelvin) and using dance, drama, poetry and on stage piano, Calixto tried to present the transformation of a man on his symbolic journey shaped by absence of illusions and expectations.

If this approach is your thing, head to Korzo. These is no need for upfront registration. Monday Movement Class is opened for all levels and age groups.

Korzo Theater, Prinsestraat 42, 8pm, 7,5e/50e (for 10 classes)

*Photo:  Eyjólfur Eyjólfsson