
Hop, hop! Beautiful sunny day deserves to be enjoyed with a camera, far away from the computer screen and on the way to Nutshuis!

Fotoboek2 Fotoboek! is photo event organized mainly for photographers and designers but also for everyone else that feel like the two. Nutshuis is giving you an insight into one crowd funding project that will help Bruno van den Elshout raise 100,000e within six months and publish a book featuring his work New Horizons (and this one has to do something with North Sea), David Galjaard’s story about Albanian bunkers is being told (on the screen and face to face), there is a special presentation of the Meermanno Museum, even a new photo magazine Salvo is about to see the light of the day. There will be a round table discussion on the Magic Duo, collaboration between a photographer and a designer and two photo exhibitions.

Salvo For Hanna, Future Stories from the Past is a photo project by William Poelstra. After his father’s death, Poelstra started looking into his family history and discovered that during Second World War his father worked voluntarily in a Berlin-based locomotive factory while his Jewish mother suffered gravely and lost many family members in death camps. This is what motivated Poelstra to explore the impact of war and conflict on personal lives of many.

willem_poelstra-028bbIn 2012, Poelstra traveled to Kosovo, to document the history that is once more repeating in a different time and different place. That’s how For Hanna, Future Stories from the Past came to life. The exhibition is on until 24 April.

Nutshuis, Riviervismarkt 5, it’s now or never…