Just an ordinary Thursday

While waiting for this Tuesday to uncover its secrets and whilst checking whether the answers on Soul Surfer Foundation (stay tuned!) already emerged, I’ll seize this unique moment of peace to say a few words on the coming Thursday, 14 February 2013. It seems that the whole city will be going wild with the events that in most of the cases have to do a lot if not all with pagan customs and possibly extra bucks for the most of the restaurant owners. Still there are some places that are enjoyable every Thursday or some others that are great to visit this Thursday and every other day of the week.

Circle_of_Adam_Elsheimer_The_Lupercalian_Festival_in_RomeBefore I cite them I’ll tell you where is this craze coming from and you can happily jump to the next paragraph if legends are not your thing as few of them are about to come out now!   Apparently the whole world is celebrating good deeds of a priest who was active in Rome around year 270 AD. Emperor Claudius II decided that single men are far more better soldiers than the married ones so he forbid youngsters to step into the holy matrimony. And that’s when our guy decided to defy Claudius and fix the apparent injustice by marrying young lovers in secret. Of course, he was caught, thrown to jail and sentenced to death. The legend says his last days were smoothed by the presence of guard’s daughter who was keeping him company. Before the execution, he wrote her a love letter and signed it with his own name that later on became the synonym of frustration to many. Another legend says the church wanted to get rid of the celebrations around the pagan Lupercalia festival while other stories suggest that the priest has been killed for attempting to help Christians escape harsh Roman prisons where they were often beaten and tortured. I wonder if this would be celebrated with an equal passion…

Anyhow, one legend or another, the reality is that hearts, gifts and different special packages are bombing/harassing us from all around. All the menus sound delicious with or without hearts but as I said some places are simply great on any day and evening. And these three choices come with soul! The order doesn’t determine the quality.

BIancaEst Est Est and Jazz/Soul singer Bianca Netten  are inviting you for the evening of fine and mellow sounds coming from the voice of Alexander Serban, keyboard of Mart de Jong, drums of Lex Velleman and Michel Turk’s bass. It all starts at 20h. You can but don’t have to enjoy dinner (4 secret courses, 33e, please reserve on time) or just drinks and music at Wagenstraat 144.

MAsjaDi Verso and Bink Vijf Hoog are preparing three courses dinner (usual price, 15e) that is for sure going to be delicious. Chefs are serving courgette carpacio with avocado and Parmesan cheese, chicken with ginger and lemon accompanied by spicy potatoes or ratatouille tart for vegetarians and champagne sorbet. Or come for a drink and listen to Rosa Sanne on the piano and watch a movie in the background. BINK VIJF HOOG, Binckhorstlaan 36, 18h.

Grapes and Olives  is promising similar program with “great wine, good food” and superb music. Dj Jen Min Lau,  is spinning French, Italian, Cuban vinyls from 40s, 50s, 60s. Art house movies will play in the background. Grapes and Olives, Veenkade 1

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