
What is Wonderwerp? A piece of contemporary art scene, collaboration of  audience, artists and places. Live projects that involve  new music be it electronic, acoustic, improvised, inter/multidisciplinary, experimental, in progress.

October’s edition in studio Loos presents: BANDWIDTH feat. Gerri Jäger,  Sensorial Score by Momoko Noguchi,  bagg*fish

Starts at 20:30 (3e)

BANDWIDTH manipulates sounds using laptops, turntables, electric guitar, filters and anything else that comes to mind making music inspired by digital noise based on the principle of interruption. BANDWIDTH will be accompanied by  Amsterdam based Austrian drummer Gerri Jäger (Knalpot, EKE, Naked Wolf). The result of this collaboration is abstract landscape, post-industrial and contemporary ambient noise music.

SENSORIAL SCORE is a Live-Composition performance. In this experimental piece, human body is treated as a score. Music is composed at real time and sent to the violist enabling a real interaction between composer and performer.

BAGG*FISCH is a collaboration of a saxophone player and drummer, toy master. They give unexpected experimental performances always ‘on-the-edge.

Where? Studio Loos – Constant Rebecqueplein 20b. Walk through the iron gates, turn left under the stone archway, two doors on the right, you’ll see the sign for Studio Loos.

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