Finding Lost Souls

Happy-Halloween-halloween-15314954-1280-800What’s a better way to celebrate All Eerie Sinister Unearthly (fill in the blanks) Day than by sharing spooky ghost stories around the campfire?

This Thursday, 30 October, campfire might be exchanged for the humble abode of Global Storytelling Café at Dutch International Storytelling Centre but the stories told will stay the same, coming from the soul, on the lost souls.

A number of international storytellers will share dazzling tales from all over the world, inviting you to do the same if it pleases you. I say – why not!

Dutch International Storytelling Centre, Johannes Court, Oude Molstraat 37. The doors open at 7pm, stories start at 8pm, two hours later, it’s time to say goodbuy.

Don’t forget the entrance fee of €10. Cash only.
