
A few days ago, two people exchanged two insignificant statements on the beautiful, rounded and elegant shape of the number 38. And this conversation on the aesthetics of numbers would’ve been completely forgotten… if it weren’t for Caleidoscopia, Lisette Huizenga’s 3D digital print of paintings’ prints of paintings on display in Atrium.

Caleidoscopia 01Even though the connection between the two is fairly distant, they are brought together by blend of  two Greek words kal(ós) meaning “beautiful” and eîdo(s) that translates as “shape”. Together they give Kaleidoscope. Get the link?

This all finds its place on Magpie’s as the two last days of February 2014 are the final possibility to enter  huge three-dimensional construction Caleidoscopia in The Hague’s Atrium. No mistake  here – it is 3D object and you can enter it as it is probably built in the same way some good old M.C. Escher’s 3D optical illusions (available for viewing in Escher Museum) are built.

Huizenga is using trompe l’oeil technique to give you sense of spaciousness in this cross shaped limited space. Your eyes are tricked into seeing through the windows looking at the garden-like landscape with architectural pieces, you are tempted to sit on the printed pictures of the furniture, or mind your step while walking on the kind of see-through floors.

Caleidoscopia 05

It’s a quirky fairytale space built using linear perspective invented by the Italian architect Filippo Brunelleschi. Both Brunelleschi and Huizenga are just superb!

Atrium Den Haag, Spui 70
