Bye Lenin, Hello Ch’tis!

13 09 28 FIlm dagIn the sea of events, a visit to numerous international organizations is probably not the most interesting choice for  this Sunday 29 September 2013. If the weather is nice and most probably it will be, I would still check International Kite Festival.

But if it rains, I would once more seize the opportunity to see Good Bye Lenin on the big screen in Huis van Europa.


I see a smile on your face and a question mark on yours. For those that are not smiling, this is a controlled satire that is based on “ostalgie,” the paradoxical nostalgia for life under the socialist system. The movie pictures a son doing everything in his power to protect his fragile mother that recovered from a long coma. It’s 1990 and East Germany doesn’t exist anymore. Since the mother has to avoid every excitement, the son tries to recreate the life as it once was. But the world in the East has changed a lot…

good bye lenin 2

This German brilliance is on the screen at 3pm. Two hours before that you can see Bienvenue chez les Ch´tis. French humor on the plate.


Julie and Phillipe leave charming French South to to move to Bergues, in the Far North of France, a dreadfully cold place inhabited by hard-drinking, unemployed rednecks, speaking an incomprehensible dialect called Ch’ti. Is that the description of Hell?


Just a quick note – movies are free to watch but you needed to subscribe here. As the registration process is now closed, I would advise you to call before heading to  Huis van Europa, Korte Vijverberg 5/6.

Saturday, 29 September, 1pm and 3pm. Sometimes I wish it rains on Sundays…