See it to believe it – TodaysArt Part 1

Performance|Club|Works|Symposium|Workshops|Periphery and the subsections coming to life when you click on the links are all  on the programme of TodaysArt festival this coming weekend. However, to present all of them would be close to impossible so I decided to write about random events, installations, performances, spaces. Three by Three.

Sphaerae-1024x443How about Sphæræ as exhibition space? It deserved to be talked about partly because its designer Cocky Eek was bold enough to say “Fashion is so ugly you have to change it every half year”. Super statement aside, there is something bigger happening in this space: Evelina Domnitch and Dmitry Gelfand will perform their piece ‘10000 Peacock Feathers in Foaming Acid’. It is big for sure, as Domnitch and Gelfand first use laser light to scan the skin of soap bubbles and then produce a large-scale projection of molecular interactions. Maths, physics, chemistry. All in one. 27 September – 19:30 – 20:00|27 September – 22:00 – 22:30


Mia already mentioned that TodaysArt is using empty government buildings as exhibition spaces so the Ministry of Interior might be your final destination this weekend. Joris Strijbos and Daan Johan will use it to exhibit ‘PARSEC’ a moving installation consisting of fifteen identical, rotating robotic arms connected to a power LED and speaker. Interaction between light, sound and movement, in a darkened room. 27 September – 19:00 – 23:00| 28 September – 12:00 – 23:00


‘Wandelende Tak’ is a musical performance by Dane Lars Kynde music composer, builder of instruments and creator of new systems of music notation. TodaysArt website is saying the following: “by building physical sculptures, mechanical machines and three-dimensional scores Lars Kynde seeks new ways of constructing and comprehending musical structures”. See it to believe it. Ministry of Interior, 27 September – 19:00 – 23:00| 28 September – 12:00 – 23:00


Tickets are from €20 to €40.00 depending on what, when, where, how… Click, click!

*Photos: TodaysArt